
Monday, 9 December 2019

Christmas animation

this week we have been learning how to animate by using google drawings 
and when we made them we made them change color and then we put them on google photos.

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

d4 a1 the change maker

1.children can have Treats and free cafeteria 
Image result for cafeteria
2. I would make that the little kids can feed pets at our own zoo ever hour
Image result for animals cartoon
3. there to be a spa pool where any one can chill out, 
Image result for spa pool
4. if we pay 5$ to the teachers at lunch time we can have a water  squirt with water guns 
Image result for water gun
5. when you have a drink from water tap you get what you think of drink

Image result for fizzy drinks

Summer learning journey - Lorde

We are learning how summer learning journey works 
I learnt fun facts about Lorde 
next time I would like to do learn facts about tu-pac